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Multiple speadsheets in one folder

Excel Help for Multiple Speadsheets In One Folder in Excel Invoice Template

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Multiple Speadsheets In One Folder

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Confused I run a small company with "big" customers, half are "continental players". They want to order with their item-no and description. All have individual prices, freight and payment terms.
We want to keep the item-list small and not have 20 entries for 1 real product
The idea was to have 20 templates in one "invoicing-folder", one template per customer.
Is this possible? or do we have to purchase 20 "Licences".
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You can have as many copies of the template as needed by using just one license. The license information is stored on the computer and so it only needs to entered once and all template copies will work as fully registered.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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