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Automating a web query

Excel Help for Automating A Web Query in Automating Data Analysis Tasks

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Automating A Web Query

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I am by no means an expert at using VBA in fact I just started using it recently.  I am wondering if there is any way to have a web query reference a links that are on my worksheet.

I am looking up tax information for property and each property has a link in a cell next to the address for the tax info.  Lets call that cell with the link D1. All of the properties are listed one after the other going down in rows and the corresponding links are in the D column.  Is there any way to have my web query reference the corresponding links in the D column?  Thank you.
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HappyWe queries can be run using VBA code by looping through the cell values that are required to extract the data.

I suggest that you look at the post here which gives an example of doing this and includes a downloadable workbook to use, test and modify. The example includes a small sub routine to make the web query from the populated cells in one of the sheets.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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