I read the previous post in the forum to check data type when this occurs. All of the data is clearly numerical and should not be the problem. I am working with about 14,000 observarations and keep getting this error. Is it because there are to many observations? There is no difference in the number of observations per variable so this is also not the problem. Please let me know how to fix this.
You can send through your template with data by replying to the notification email of this post and attaching the file so that we can investigate the cause of this error.
I am getting this error in a small batch of data (six independent variables, one dependent, sample size of 4), even though I have entered the data by hand as numbers. I have tried confirming that the data in all cells is in number format by highlighting, then bringing up 'format cells' and formatting all as 'numbers.' Nothing was copied and pasted.
Any ideas? Could it relate somehow to the small sample size?
The type mismatch error is normally due to copied data being formatted as text rather than numbers. This can happen for a number of reasons; however there are some solutions.
The simplest solution is to do a find and replace (CTRL+H) on apostrophies (i.e. ') for nothing. Otherwise one can import data using the Data >> Import External Data function from the Excel menu to ensure that values arte imported in numeric format.