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Run Time Error 13

Excel Help for Run Time Error 13 in Excel Invoice Template

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Run Time Error 13

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Oopsim getting a runtime error 13 while trying to load customer or product info
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In Excel, on the taskbar, select the File tab, then left-click Open from the list provided. Now click on the required file and select Open -> Open and restore -> Restore (you can also select the Extract data tab). If everything goes well, runtime error 13 will not bother you again.

This may help you,
Rachel Gomez
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Are you getting an error with loading products or customers, or saving/loading invoices? Feel free to send you template on replying to the notification of this post.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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I am getting the same error as davidt but do not understand the solution regarding numberic id's. Can you give me an example?
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We're not having much luck.  This sounds like a problem now with the invoice IDs, or missing data in the invoice when saving. 

Please feel free to email through your template to contact [at] business-spreadsheets.com so that we can investigate and resolve this for you.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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i am getting an error when i am trying to save and open a new invoice
run time error 1004 method range of object global failed
please help
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Hi Thanks A million That solved the problem
thanks again
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This could be due to imported products and/or customers with non-numeric IDs. 

Importing using the Control Panel functions should put numeric IDs into the Products and Customers sheets.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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