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Excel Help for Multiple Regression in Excel Multiple Regression Analysis and Forecasting Template

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Multiple Regression

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I'm not that good in math and i have searched through the internet but came out way confused than before.

i would like to know in multiple regression, how does one know when to add another independent variable? do you have to test it in a simple liner regression first then transfer it to a multiple regression?

Is it possible to test whether a variable that i added have any relationshipwith the rest of the variable by using some equations?

in plotting multiple regression is it usually in a 3d space? how about if you have more than 3 variables how will my graph look?

please help me

thanks in advance 

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You can add all 3 independent variables and then evaluate which ones to keep from the independent analysis.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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so for example:

i want to do a multiple regression on let's say

voter's behavior then i arrive at a formula

voter's behavior = B0 + B1X1+ B2X2 + B3X3

my question is this. should all regression start off as linear regression? meaning that i should add variable one at a time?

if so and i have 3 independent variable i wanted to add and i want to test the residuals and coefficient of each one, should i convert them to linear regression? like this

 voter's behavior = B0 + B1X1
voter's behavior = B0 + B2X2
voter's behavior = B0 + B3X3

or does multiple regression have a different approach?

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The best way to see whether an independent variable has influence over the dependent variable is to view the Indepenent analysis to see if the r-squared is significantly large.

The chart is two dimensional showing the actual versus predicted dependent variable based on the resulting regression equation.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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