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Excel Help for Times in Excel Project Management Template

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I'm doing up a project plan and putting times in the start date field also i.e I type the date, space, then hh:mm in 24hr format.

This is working just fine for any time after midday but doesn't like AM times, the field reverts to the default 09:00. 

Any suggestions?
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Awesome, thanks.
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This is a very good point.  In order to accomodate project schedules with start times around the clock, we have added a feature in the Human Resources section of the Resources sheet to specify the default start hour.

This could be 00:00 with 24 hours of working hours per day to allow for 24 hour around the clock scheduling.

This updated version of the Project Management template can be download from here.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanks Russell, but is there someway I can change the default setting?

I've have adjusted the available working hours to 24 in the human resources sheet but this doesn't help if the default setting is still 9:00am.

I frequently need to schedule around the clock, in particular very early starts.

Cheers, Jo
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The default start time is 9:00 AM.  The number of working hours available per day can be adjusted in the Human Resources section of the Resources sheet. This then drives the automatic scheduling times.

Entering any time greater than 9:00 AM in a predefined start date will be accepted in the task's start date field.  Any time entered before 9:00 AM (e.g. 07:00) will convert back to the default start time (09:00) to ensure correct scheduling.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Excel templates and solutions matched for Times:

Solutions: Timesheet Creation Punch Clock Template