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Text Box Dilemma

Excel Help for Text Box Dilemma in Developing Financial Accounting Systems

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Text Box Dilemma

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AngryThis is happening in some of my spreadsheets, these text boxes (if that is what they are) are popping up everywhere just to the left of these numbers. You can't delete them. If am copy and pasting and I don’t notice that I'm copying into this text box instead of the cell itself, whatever I am pasting ends up on the top left corner of the excel sheet I am working on in another text box. I have not been able to find any forums that explains this.
Also it only happens some of the time. I haven't been able to nail down when it happens and when it doesn't. But they are really annoying when I have a lot of changes to make I sure I have clicked the cell not the text box.
Can you help?
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It will be better if you insert the spreadsheet so that we can look at it and answer if we can.


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