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Dependant Drop Down List - Prompt To Select | Rate this: (3/5 from 1 vote) |
I have a formula in cell E5 based on the selections made by the parent drop down box in cell C5 and dependent drop down cell D5. The formula is E5=$D & $C5 Suppose the current value of cell c5=V1 and d5=w3. (out of possible choice as w1, w2, w3) So, E5= v1w3 Now when I change C5 from v1 to v2, and if I forget or ignore to select a new value in D5 corresponding to C5, I get a wrong result in E5. Question is how would the user be prompted to make a new selection in D5 corresponding to change in C5. Perhaps, when C5 is changed I would want to have a red flashing light in cell D5 and when the user make a selection in D5, the flashing light should be turned off and also the cell color should return to it's original color. Please provide me a formula or a code to achieve this. Thanks in advance and with best regards Vilas Desai | ||
vilasdesai | ||
Posted by Vilas Desai on |
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Rate this: (2/5 from 3 votes) Formula Is: =LEN(E5)<4 Alternatively a more complete formula could be: Formula Is: =OR(C5="",D5="") The format can then be applied such as coloring the cell red or text, border highlighting as desired. | |
Excel Business Forums Administrator | |
Posted by Excel Helper on |
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