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Migrating Excel VBA projects to OpenOffice Basic

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Migrating Excel Vba Projects To Openoffice Basic

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GratefulWe are in the process to creating OpenOffice and StarOffice versions of our spreadsheet solutions. Business Spreadsheets has created an online Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic Converter to facilitate this process for anyone attempting to undertake a similar migration.

The Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic converter also provides the ability for users to submit code conversion snippets in order to enhance the online conversion process as a community.

This forum post can be used to share experiences, offer suggestions, and seek assistance for both using the converter and for migrating Excel VBA applications to OpenOffice equivalents in general.

Other related posts are:
Developing VBA code compatible with NeoOffice and Excel
Converting Excel VBA for Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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(2.5/5 from 11 votes)

I am unable make the Macro created in Excel to work with OpenOffice. I have tried the link http://www.business-spreadsheets.com/vba2oo.asp to convert the code but even that failed. Could you please help me with this.

I just wanted to list all the files in a Folder (including Subfolders) in to the calc sheet. Please see the original VB code i was using in Excel. (attached) and please send me the code which will work in OO.

VBA Code:
Sub JAD()
     Dim fs As FileSearch, i As Long
     'ws As Worksheet,
      Set fs = Application.FileSearch
      With fs
          .SearchSubFolders = True ' set to true if you want sub-folders included
          .Filename = "*.jad"
          .LookIn = "E:\Task\Volleyball" 'modify this to where you want to search
          If .Execute > 0 Then
              ' Set ws = Worksheets.Add
              For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
                 Cells(i + 1, 26) = Mid$(.FoundFiles(i), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(i), "\") + 1)
               MsgBox "No files found"
          End If
      End With
  End Sub

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HappyWe have developed an OpenOffice Calc version of our Bond Yield to Maturity Calculator as an example of Excel VBA code migrated to OpenOffice Basic.

The download contains both an Excel version and and OpenOffice version of the program with open source code.  The spreadsheet program utilizes a dialogue input form for populating the bond data and an iterative function for calculating the yield to maturity.  It therefore serves as a good example of how both user forms and sub routines can be converted from Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic for OpenOffice or StarOffice Calc.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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(2.3/5 from 10 votes)
Just know this: I find this - Excel VBA to OpenOffice. It is useful to me, Thanks.

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(2.3/5 from 14 votes)
I have three versions of a large Excel VBA macro that corresponds to MS Office 2000, 2003, and 2007. I am trying to decide which version I should focus my efforts on converting. In general, are there significant differences in the completeness of the conversion by the Business Systems converter for the different versions of Excel VBA?
Your approach to conversion appears to be clever. Thank you for this software.
 Stephen Leibowitz
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(2.2/5 from 9 votes)
Hi! I need to know how is the similar code of "APLLICATION.USERNAME" (used in Excel) to use in OO.
I tried of all.


 Elemar Luiz Roters
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