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A disappointing purchase

Excel Help for A Disappointing Purchase in Excel Invoice Template

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A Disappointing Purchase

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ConfusedI have just purchased the Customer Invoicing spreadsheet and am somewhat disappointed. Every time I perform an operation such as adding a product to the invoice, the sheet freezes and I have to enter the password again! Also the fact that one cannot change or add to the VBA code is very frustrating.

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Thank you so much for all your help, I am having a great time modifying the template. 
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OK - good.  Be careful with the modifications as the protection ensures robustness of operation due to named ranges.  If processes fail to run due to modifications, you can always download a new version from here. Enjoy.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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The password should not be required as the template unprotects automatically with each process.  Please reply to the notification email of this post, attach your template and indicate the version of Excel that you are running.  We will then resolve the issue and send back your template without protection mechanisms.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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