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Gantt Schedule not working

Excel Help for Gantt Schedule Not Working in Excel Project Management Template

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Gantt Schedule Not Working

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ConfusedI have downloaded the trial version of the Planning and Managing Projects Template and would buy it, however, when I navigate to the Schedule tab and hit 'Create Schedule' there is no 'color coded bars' in the date section.  It just lists the tasks.  Am I doing something wrong?  Thanks in advance for your help!
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Hello DavidR,

You have taken a right decision by downloading and trying, but the thing is that you cant avail all the features as you say, you can find no color coded bars. But if you want to go for it, you will be in profit. I tried the free Gantt charts, but missing my requirements, so thought to have professionally designed Gantt chart, so referred the tips from [www.chartgantt.com/tips.php] Also I have bought a package from here. You may check it out.

- Kythia Mellissa.
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Thanks for sharing this type of informative article
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The Gantt schedule will not color fill a cell if there is no participant costs associated with the corresponding time period. This is actually an error catching feature to ensure that only time associated with the project cost time line are displayed on the schedule.

This behavior will therefore occur if there are zero costs per hour for project participants. The solution is to edit the Human Resources section and apply a cost per hour to each participant. A rudimentary cost can be used for this purpose (such as 1) if there is no real cost required for the analysis.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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