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Help with blank cells in range

Excel Help for Help With Blank Cells In Range in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Help With Blank Cells In Range

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ConfusedHi guys, needing a bit help.  I am using the following formula to return the item that occurs most in a range.


This works fine but I have to give the exact range or it returns a 0.

My problem is that each week I add more data to the list that is being searched so i need to be able to increase the range to a higher number in preperation for this.  I can manually alter this each week but it would be better if I didn't have to.  Thanks in advance fopr your help.
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You're right.  The OFFSET returns the value - not the address reference.  Try instead:

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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In this case, you can create a dynamic range by using the OFFSET and COUNTA functions.

To do so, replace B2:B164 with OFFSET($B$2,0,0,COUNTA($B:$B),1).
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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do you mean replace all of the ranges with your suggestion


because this gives me an error

I would like my formula to work like this to allow me to add more data evry week, but it will not allow the extra cells that are blank.


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