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Intercompany Reconciliation

Excel Help for Intercompany Reconciliation in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Intercompany Reconciliation

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ConfusedGood Morning guys
I wasn’t sure where to post this thread but I need help in excel regarding a sheet am working on. As you can see in the pic.

I have a list of three months inter-company transactions that I want excel to highlight the amounts that don't have a match.

I tried conditional formatting but the problem is when there is two 1000 figures in Debit and one 1000 figure in credit .. conditional formatting tells me there is a match !!

What I need is a formula that would match the figure and highlight those which are extra.

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You could try using a conditional formatting formula with the difference between COUNTIF functions of debits and credits of the amount.  If there are more or less debits of the same amount with credits then the conditional format could be applied.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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