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Convert numbers to a specific text string

Excel Help for Convert Numbers To A Specific Text String in Automating Data Analysis Tasks

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Convert Numbers To A Specific Text String

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I have a number that I need to convert to the following text string formats. I have successfully converted 45 to the following text string using the custom format:

But it does not work with the ones below:

Convert 0.05 to the following text string:

Convert 0 to the following text string:

These are codes for a instrument and the text must be in the exact format above. Can anyone help.


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You can specify values as test by preceding them with a single apostrophe '.

It seems as through you want to wrap text into tags.  To do this, you can concatenate text using the & sign e.g. ="<Time>" & A1 & "</Time>".
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Excel templates and solutions matched for Convert numbers to a specific text string:

Solutions: Serial Number to Barcode