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Scrolling Race Results

Excel Help for Scrolling Race Results in Presenting and Reporting Data

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Scrolling Race Results

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Confused Hi All,

I've been trying to wrap my head around a way to display vertically-scrolling race results (sort of like movie credits). The closest I've been able to find to what I want is the solution at the following link: [http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147337]

The code in the document at that link takes particular columns on the sheet and displays the info in a stock ticker on the same sheet. What I would like to do is very similar, except I want data from a specific (unopened) CSV to scroll vertically in a separate workbook, with about 25 rows of data showing at any given time.

To be a bit more detailed, below are links to a sample of the kind of source CSV and a template of what the ideal display would look like.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



Is this too far-fetched? Any pointers?


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To scroll a workbook at a specific speed we can use VBA with the Sleep function to delay ActiveWindow.ScrollRow. However it seems that you need to simply link to a specif range in a separate workbook in which case we can simply use Windows("workbook_name").Sheets("sheet_name").Range("top_cell").Select.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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