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Download Market Data crashes....

Excel Help for Download Market Data Crashes.... in Excel Portfolio Optimization Template

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Download Market Data Crashes....

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OopsHi, I downloaded the trial of Portfolio Optimization, I work in the finance industry and find this tool great! I'm looking to buy the full version. But my Download Market Data file crashes, when I tries to download historical data after I downloaded Windows 10. I had Windows 7 with Excel 2007 and it worked fine for a couple of days. Now I have Windows 10 and Office 365. The "Preparing Data Sheet Dates" appears and freezes, the the VBA troubleshooting appears and highlights "ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select". I have tried to clear cache and re installed the Download_Market_Data Excel-file. Hope you have a solution for me.
 Lars-Olof Moberg
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We just tested on Windows 10 with Excel 2016 under the latest update for Office 365 without any issues. Suggestions to try:
  1. Update Office 365 with the latest versions and updates for Excel.
  2. Download the latest version of the file and Save As and XLSM format (Excel Macro Enabled Workbook).
  3. Test the data download functionality from the Query tab.   
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Download Market Data sometimes crashes with "Run-time Error '13':  Type Mismatch".  When this happens, the debugger shows a blank value for 'querydate' in the 'ProcessSymbol_AV' function.  It doesn't seem to be related to the symbol.  Using the same symbol in another column works.
I'm using the latest version of the spreadsheet with Adj Close Data Type and Alpha Vantage data source.
Quandl API downloads the data but I can't find the symbol for the S&P 500 index with this data source.  Also, the data values appear to be different for these two sources.
I can download all of the data by using multiple copies of the spreadsheet with some of the symbols in one and the ones that didn't load after the crash in the other one.
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Thanks for the bug report here.

If you can provide the symbols and frequency you were using, that will help us replicate and fix the issue.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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The symbols are:
The frequency is monthly, starting 1-Jan-13
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We updated the download (in portfolio optimization download zip) to handle this bug.

Note, however that the reason for it is due to a new API limit for Alpha Vantage which states "The standard API call frequency is 5 calls per minute and 500 calls per day".

Therefore, you will only be able to get 5 symbols at a time per minute.

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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When will the portopt.zip download be updated on your website?
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The file is already updated in the download here.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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The  Download_Market_Data.xls in the portopt.zip file appears to be identical to the one I downloaded on 10-24-2018 according to WinDiff.
Also, the spreadsheet in the portopt.zip file that I downloaded from the link still only loads the first 5 ticker symbols that it comes with:
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The download definitely has the new version.  You may need to clear your browser cache before downloading.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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That worked.  Thanks!
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