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Purchase Orders

Excel Help for Purchase Orders in Excel Invoice Template

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Purchase Orders

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ConfusedBeen using your Invoice Template for a couple of years. It really would be nice if you would put a Purchase order in with the template.
 Darryl Jones
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That is a good idea.  Perhaps the Shipping Slip underneath the Invoice could be reused for this purpose?
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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It need to update your inventory as goods are purchased.
 Darryl Jones
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The Products tab has the inventory levesl updated as products are purchases through invoice creation.

This tab can be filtered and sorted to create purchase orders, but there is not yet a automated routine to accomplish this and we will consider it for future versions.

Thanks for the valuable feedback.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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When you get it done let me know and i will purchase it.
 Darryl Jones
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