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Which Statement is the Most Important?

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Which Statement Is The Most Important?

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Confused Hello,

I've been asked the question in multiple finance interviews recently and have answered the cash flow b/c investors want to know how much cash a business generates to grow the company, payback debt, etc. However, some people think balance sheet is better cause it tells you the "financial health" of a company for which I can see the argument as well.What do you guys think?
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I am practically sure that the balance directly depends on the competently composed financial modeling. As a result, the foundation of the final financial modeling is the cost of expenses. And how can I get a positive balance if financial modeling is not correct? That is why I believe that this is a very important part of doing business. With the help of the platform https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/resources/financial-modeling/what-is-financial-modeling you can learn about all the intricacies of financial modeling. I recommend to learn more about it. This will definitely help you!
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