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Run-time error '1004'

Excel Help for Run-time Error '1004' in Excel Project Management Template

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Run-time Error '1004'

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ConfusedWhen I try to add a new task i get the following error message and it will not allow me to add a task. I just downloaded the project management package and am just starting to use it. Have never been able to add a task because of this message:

run-time error '1004'

Method "Range' of object_Global' failed
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What version of Excel and operating system are you using? Make sure that you save the file to your hard drive before opening it as well.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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excel 2003 and xp
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Re-downloaded -doing so i you said and all seems to be working ok
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When i tried to run the macro`s in excel 2007 i`m getting the following error RUN TIME ERROR 1004 method saveas of object workbook failed.Actually i had upgraded my system from EXCEL 2003 to EXCEL 2007 SO any one could help in this how to use this macro or any other results for my problem.
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(3.7/5 from 3 votes)
Run-time error '1004' - Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted (Mac) This error appears on Office 2016 or greater and Office 365 on the Mac version. This error is due to the addition of a security option in the Office options by Microsoft. You can now open XLSTAT securely.

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