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Transfer data from one sheet to another automatically

Excel Help for Transfer Data From One Sheet To Another Automatically in Excel Project Management Template

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Transfer Data From One Sheet To Another Automatically

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Confused Hello,

I'm trying to write a formula that will transfer data from one sheet to another within a specific date range that will be entered on the sheet the data will be copied.
The formula would be similar to a SUMIFS, instead of summing the range of data it would just copy the range of data to the new sheet. If excel had a COPY formula it would look like this:
 =COPYIFS(Daily!B6:F4753, Daily!A6:A4753, ">=" & I3, Daily!A6:A4753, "<=" & K3)

1st Sheet = Daily

Column A = Dates

Columns B to F = data to be transfered

Cell I3 on Sheet2 = Start Date

Cell K3 on Sheet2 = End Date

The formula would be entered into cell B6 on Sheet2.

Basically I want to have a master daily list, then be able to choose a specific date range on the 2nd sheet, and have the data only in that range transfer to the 2nd excel sheet.
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I would create a VBA routine that first filters the source sheet and then copies visible cells only to destaination sheet.

You could record one first then edit.  Visible cells are under Find & Select far right of Home tab menu.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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