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How to convert the place of rows and columns

Excel Help for How To Convert The Place Of Rows And Columns in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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How To Convert The Place Of Rows And Columns

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Confused Could you, please, tell me, what formula should I put to replace the rows with the columns and vise versa?
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thanks so much
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Confused Select the range of data you want to rearrange, including any row or column labels, and press Ctrl+C.

Choose a new location in the worksheet where you want to paste the transposed table, ensuring that there is plenty of room to paste your data. The new table that you paste there will entirely overwrite any data / formatting that’s already there.
Right-click over the top-left cell of where you want to paste the transposed table, then choose Transpose Tranpose button image.

After rotating the data successfully, you can delete the original table and the data in the new table will remain intact.

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This seems like more of a Copy and Paste Special > Transpose which will swap rows with columns and vice-versa.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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