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Improving efficiency sorting data for 1099s

Excel Help for Improving Efficiency Sorting Data For 1099s in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Improving Efficiency Sorting Data For 1099s

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Confused Hi everyone,

I'm a tax accountant who is looking for some advice related to better sorting data to use for preparation of Form 1099-MISCs at year end. Each year, it takes hours to sort through a client's transactions to determine if a payee was paid more than $600. Do you have any tips on how to use the sort/filter functions to get my desired result (amount paid by payee), or would you recommend a PivotTable to sum large data?

Many thanks,
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I would convert the data to a data table then add any calculated columns, if necessary, to filter on. 

Using the data table standard and/or custom filters should enable to extract the desired results.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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