I would like to determine if the amount of salary earned in a particular grade level is related to a person's time in the job; time with the company; their gender; and/or their race.
Would I plug all the different salary amounts into the "dependent variable" and the date entered the job; date hired with the company, their gender; and their race into separate independent variables?
It is correct that the salary grades should be entered as the dependent variable in this multiple regression analysis application.
For the dates that the employee entered the job and was originally hired in the company, it would be better to convert this into duration such as the number of days. While the resulting regression equation can apply the date values, the use of the equation will be more relevant using duration values.
Thank you. Would the analysis also perform better if I converted the gender (female or male) to numeric (1 or 2) data - as well as converting race data to numeric?
Yes - it would make sense to convert boolean values such as gender to numeric values in order to create forecasts using the numeric values in the regression formula.
I have run a regression (for the first time) and would like a little help in the interpretation. I have pasted the results below. The dependent Variable is "hired or not hired" (put in as "1" for being hired and "0" if not) - as you can see. Can you tell me which factors have been determined by the analysis to be the most important to being hired - and what the statistics mean (in easy terms)? I appreciate any help on this to get me started in having knowledge to do this in the future.
Regards BD
False Bitmap
Equation Parameters
False Bitmap
R Square
05.98% of the change in Hired-not hired can be explained by the change in the 10 Independent Variables
The numbers within the resulting multiple regression equation didn't come through in your post. However, to understand which independent variables have the greatest impact on the dependent, you can look at the independent analysis. Those with the largest absolute gradient have the greatest impact and their ability to describe the changes in the dependent variable are reflected in their r-squared statistic.
Here are some steps you can follow when running your own regression analysis using Excel:Enter your data into Excel.Install Data Analysis ToolPak plugin. Open "Data Analysis" to reveal the dialog box.Enter variable data.Select output options.Analyze your results. ...Create a scatter plot.Add regression trendline. Regards,Rachel Gomez