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Bloomberg data in an Excel Spreadsheet

Excel Help for Bloomberg Data In An Excel Spreadsheet in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Bloomberg Data In An Excel Spreadsheet

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I wonder if anyone can help or at least point me in the right direction. I am trying to create a worksheet that with extract data from Bloomberg that will relate to a figure that i specify. I have tried a few BLP formulas and amended the examples that are on the Bloomberg Help but cannot seem to get it to work......
I have been able to pull relevant details based upon a cusip/isin i list in a column but I am not sure how i would tell Bloomberg what Notional Amount to use...??

My Spreadsheet is set up as follows:-
Column A - Security Name / Cusip (manual input field)
Column B - Notional/Balance (manual input field)
Column C - Principal Payment (MTG_CUR_PRINC_PAY) -Bloomberg calculation will be based on Notional/Balance
Column D - Interest Payment (MTG_CUR_INT_PAY) - Bloomberg calculation will be based on Notional/Balance

Hopefully this will make sense to someone (I am basically trying to extract the Principal and Interest amounts from Bloomberg based up the Notional amount that I specify for the relevant security)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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