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Best way to present 2 related dimension of the same data

Excel Help for Best Way To Present 2 Related Dimension Of The Same Data in Presenting and Reporting Data

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Best Way To Present 2 Related Dimension Of The Same Data

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I would like some advice on the best way to present two series of related data. For example if would like to chart something like that:

      Day:                               1     2    3     4   
Series 1:    Number of times: 200 250 170 203
                 Intensity:            10    9     10  8,5
Series 1:    Number of times: 290 210 100 103
                 Intensity:            9    13     11  10
Series 1:    Number of times: 180 220 270 197
                 Intensity:            14    10    7  9,5

I would like to see in only one chart the evolution of both the number of times and the intensity for the 3 series.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

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Reorder your data like this: 
Excel Spreadsheet:
1   1 2 3 4
2 Series 1 Number of Times 200 250 170 203
3 Series 2 Number of Times 290 210 100 103
4 Series 3 Number of Times 180 220 270 197
5 Series 1 Intensity 10 9 10 8.5
6 Series 2 Intensity 9 13 11 10
7 Series 3 Intensity 14 10 7 9.5
Choose Insert -> Chart -> Custom Types Tab -> (Chart Type) Line - Column on 2 Axes
After hitting next, you should be able to enter the entire section into the data range (A1:F7), and change the "Series In" to rows or columns.
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