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Separating text from numbers

Excel Help for Separating Text From Numbers in Automating Data Analysis Tasks

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Separating Text From Numbers

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ConfusedI have a list of around 100 including text & numbers clubbed together

for ex

clear 1234
mirror 456
reflective 3450

is there any way I can saperate text from the numbers using a single formule

not using VBA

the no. of digits in the numbers is not constant but varies from 2 to 6

and similarly text lenght is also not fixed

Is there any way excel can recognize numbers from alphanumerics

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If each cell is always text then space then number, you can get the text using a LEFT function and FIND function on the space.

Assume your text is in cell B3, the formula would be =LEFT(B3,FIND(" ",B3))
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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