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IF statement to rid the sheet of "#Div/0"

Excel Help for If Statement To Rid The Sheet Of "#div/0" in Presenting and Reporting Data

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If Statement To Rid The Sheet Of "#div/0"

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ConfusedHere is my formula

=SUM('Active Job Hours '!G4/'Active Job Hours '!E4)*1

How do I add an IF statement to get rid of the #DIV/0! in cells where they occur.

Working with Excel 07

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the formula will be

try this formula

=if(iserror(SUM('Active Job Hours '!G4/'Active Job Hours '!E4)*1),"",SUM('Active Job Hours '!G4/'Active Job Hours '!E4)*1)

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And that returns you a blank cell?  What about using that to have the cells background made a color instead of displaying the Div/0 ?

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Excel templates and solutions matched for IF statement to rid the sheet of "#Div/0":

Solutions: Income Statement Balance Sheet