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Error 1004 after protecting sheet

Excel Help for Error 1004 After Protecting Sheet in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Error 1004 After Protecting Sheet

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I am working on project on Excel sheet where I have to validate data entered in the particular column in the sheet.
I have written the code for the same in VB, which works fine.
Now, I have to protect the sheet so that I can stop user from make unnecessary changes.
After protection, it dosn't allow me to execute any code, it generates error code 1004.
How to solve the problem? Or is it any way to make particular row/column Readonly, insted of protecting sheet?
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Instead of prtecting the entire sheet, you can protect cells individually.  Select the row(s) or column(s) you want to protect and then choose the protection from the cell formatting menu option.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Then go to the immediate window (Ctrl+G) and take a look at the report written there. It should look like this:

Sheet1 is not protected!

Sheet2 is protected!

In general, try to avoid GoTo in VBA (and in every programming language), unless it is for error-catching. People become mad when they see these.
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Run-time error '1004' - Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted (Mac) This error appears on Office 2016 or greater and Office 365 on the Mac version. This error is due to the addition of a security option in the Office options by Microsoft. You can now open XLSTAT securely.

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