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Last text line inside a cell, always shown half cut when printing Excel 2007 document

Excel Help for Last Text Line Inside A Cell, Always Shown Half Cut When Printing Excel 2007 Document in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Last Text Line Inside A Cell, Always Shown Half Cut When Printing Excel 2007 Document

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Confused Hi,
My problem is the last text line inside a cell, which persist to be 'cut' half (I have tried to format the cell information, by clicking ‘centre’ for vertical alignment, but nothing happens…), when printing the Excel 2007 document. Though, in the Excel worksheet, all the text lines are just fine, all the words show up correctly.
The more amazing thing is that when opening the same document in Excel 2003 - after doing 'Format cell'\'alignment'\'vertical alignment' and choose 'centre' for the problematic cells -, when I print the document, everything is ok.
How can I resolve this problem definitively for Excel 2007?
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It could be that the text inside the cell has a line break causing the second line to be cut off when printing n Excel 2007.

Perhaps you have copied this text from another application that retains the line break even though it is not visible within the cell in Excel 2007.

I suggest that you copy the text that you want to print into a new worksheet and choose Paste Special > Values. This should remove any erroneous characters such as line breaks.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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ConfusedRussell, your solution worked perfectelly!

Thank you very much,


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