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Lookup Function (kinda?)

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Lookup Function (kinda?)

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ConfusedThis is probably too much detail, but:
a. Contains customer orders (approximately 100,000 rows/orders)
b. Each row contains an additional order
c. Column titles are setup such that A1 contains customer name, B1 contains part number, C1 contains volume, D1 contains the year, E1 contains the quarter, etc….
d. In column A1, each row/order the customer name might contain several spellings for the same customer, for instance:
i. A22 might list Microsoft,
ii. A39 might list Microsoft Corporation,
iii. A312 might list ‘Microsoft, Inc.’,
iv. A3423 might list Microsoft Incorporated.
a. Column A1 contains a list of select customers I want to track (100’s) and is the only column that is populated.
b. Only base customer names are entered, for example, Microsoft would be listed only once as ‘Microsoft’.
3) Is there a way to filter/tag all SHEET1 entries such that I can filter rows which contain the text contained within(not exact match) the array contained in SHEET2.
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