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Excel Help for Remove Product in Excel Portfolio Performance Tracking Template

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Remove Product

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Confusedthis is a follow-up to my email yesterday.

When we add a product and then have to delete that product,it is not found under the topic it was placed in.  Either it is not found at all, or we are taken to another topic heading all together.

Frustrated and need the spreadsheet to work correctly.

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 Hi Mark,
Please use the spreadsheet that I forwarded and override the category selection as instructed.

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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I insert some of products and try to remove it
When I using the
delete product, the list of categories appear correctly, but the list of products does not appear, but another product was introduced only shows how to solve this problem
I try to change category and select product but same finaly product only appear
Note: I downladed this to try

thank you for help me
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The product list is loaded based on the category chosen. Sometimes we need to change the category to refresh the product list when new products have been added or products have been deleted.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanks for the quick reply, I am sure I have done it, products list do not appear correctly, I change the category mor than one but products list not appear correctly, it's indicated to final category that where insert a last product only appears

I'm sure, and i use The trial version downloaded from this website
can you help me?
You could write the script used to create the list?
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There is an empty space for the first itiem in th elist so you may nedd to scroll down to see the newly added product.

If you are still having issues, you can attached you template to a reply to the notification email of this post and we can investigate to resolve this for you. 
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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