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Unable to Convert Worksheets Data To a FlatFiles

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Unable To Convert Worksheets Data To A Flatfiles

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ConfusedI am trying to convert all the work sheet data to a flat file. But when i am
trying am getting that export failed. Please help to resolve this issue.

Iam getting "Export failed" when i call this ExportToFile() function using a
the function GetDefaultFileName() is previously i used to convert the single
worksheet data into a flat file. But now i need to convert the all worksheets
to the multiple flatfiles when I call this 'ExportToFile() function.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Public Sub ExportToFile()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim ts As TextStream
Dim fileName As String, fileContent As String, tableName As String,
delimiter As String
Dim rowCount As Long, columnCount As Long, dataColumn As Long, pageSize
As Long
Dim pageNumber As Integer
Dim tempRange As Range, tempCell As Range

fileName = GetDefaultFileName()
If fileName = "" Then Exit Sub

If Not EnsureTitle() Then Exit Sub

fileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileName, "Data Files
(*.txt),*.txt", _
1, "Save Data File", "Export")

If fso.FileExists(fileName) Then
If MsgBox("The file " & fso.GetFileName(fileName) & " already
exists. Do " & _
"you want to replace the existing file?", vbYesNo +
vbExclamation + _
vbDefaultButton2, PROJECT_NAME) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If fileName <> "False" Then
columnCount = GetColumnCount
pageNumber = 1
delimiter = GetDelimiter(ActiveSheet.CodeName)
Do While (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize < columnCount
Set tempRange = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Anvil").Cells(1,
With tempRange
.NumberFormat = "General"
.FormulaR1C1 = ConcatFunction(delimiter, pageNumber,
pageSize, columnCount)
End With
pageNumber = pageNumber + 1

If pageNumber > 2 Then
Set tempRange = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Anvil").Cells(1,
With tempRange
.NumberFormat = "General"
.FormulaR1C1 = MasterConcatFunction(pageNumber - 1)
End With
dataColumn = pageNumber
dataColumn = 1
End If

rowCount = GetRowCount

If rowCount > 1 Then
Range(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Anvil").Cells(1, 1), _
End If

Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, ForWriting, True)
With Range(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Anvil").Cells(1, dataColumn), _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Anvil").Cells(rowCount, dataColumn))
For Each tempCell In .Cells
If tempCell.Row < rowCount Then
Call ts.WriteLine(tempCell.Value)
Call ts.Write(tempCell.Value)
End If
End With
Exit Sub
End If

Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.Columns((GetColumnCount + 1)).ClearContents
MsgBox MSG2002, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, PROJECT_NAME
End Sub

Private Function ConcatFunction(delimiter As String, pageNumber As Integer, _
pageSize As Long, columnCount As Long) As String
Dim index As Integer, startIndex As Integer, endIndex As Integer
Dim concatString As String, sheetName As String

sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
concatString = "="
startIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize + 1 - pageNumber
endIndex = IIf(columnCount < pageNumber * pageSize, _
columnCount - pageNumber, pageNumber * (pageSize - 1))

For index = startIndex To endIndex
concatString = concatString & " '" & Replace(sheetName, "'", "''") & _
"'!RC[" & index & "] & ""~"""
If index < endIndex Then concatString = concatString & " & "

ConcatFunction = concatString
Exit Function
End Function

Private Function GetDefaultFileName() As String
Dim sheetName As String, tableName As String, tagName As String
Dim tempRange As Range
Dim position As Integer

sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
tableName = GetTableName(ActiveSheet.CodeName)

If tableName = "" Then
position = InStr(sheetName, "_")
If position > 0 Then
tagName = Left(sheetName, position - 1)
tagName = sheetName
End If

Set tempRange =
Application.Names("Entities").RefersToRange.Offset(0, 1).Find( _
What:=tagName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If tempRange Is Nothing Then
tagName = ""
UpdateImportList ActiveSheet.CodeName, tempRange.Previous.Value
End If
Set tempRange = Application.Names("Entities").RefersToRange.Find( _
What:=tableName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If Not (tempRange Is Nothing) Then _
tagName = tempRange.Next.Value
End If

If tagName <> "" Then
If StrComp(tagName, sheetName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Or _
InStr(1, sheetName, tagName & "_", vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
GetDefaultFileName = sheetName
GetDefaultFileName = tagName & "_xxx"
End If
Set tempRange = ActiveWorkbook.Names("CurrentTag").RefersToRange
tempRange.Value = 1
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Tags",
RefersToR1C1:="=Entities!R3C2:R" & _
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Entities").Range("B2").End(xlDown).Row &
If tempRange.Value = "" Then
GetDefaultFileName = ""
Exit Function
End If
tagName =
1), _
tempRange.Value, 1)

tableName =
WorksheetFunction.index(Application.Names("Entities").RefersToRange, _
tempRange.Value, 1)
UpdateImportList ActiveSheet.CodeName, tableName

GetDefaultFileName = tagName & "_xxx"
End If

End Function

Sub Cancel_Click()
ActiveWorkbook.Names("CurrentTag").RefersToRange.Value = ""
End Sub

Public Function GetColumnCount() As Integer
Dim tempRange As Range

If ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = "" Then
GetColumnCount = 0
GetColumnCount = _

End If

End Function

Private Function GetRowCount() As Long
GetRowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function

Private Function EnsureTitle() As Boolean
Dim tableName As String, keyColumn As String
Dim tempRange As Range

tableName = GetTableName(ActiveSheet.CodeName)
Set tempRange = Application.Names("Entities").RefersToRange.Find( _
What:=tableName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If tempRange Is Nothing Then Exit Function
keyColumn = tempRange.Offset(0, 2).Value
Set tempRange = Range(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), _
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, GetColumnCount)).Find(What:=keyColumn, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If tempRange Is Nothing Then
' If MsgBox(MSG2001, vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 + vbYesNo,
' vbYes Then EnsureTitle = ImportControlFile(False)
MsgBox MSG2001, vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2 + vbOKOnly, PROJECT_NAME
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 0
EnsureTitle = False
EnsureTitle = True
End If

End Function

Private Function MasterConcatFunction(pageCount As Integer) As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim concatString As String

concatString = "="
For index = pageCount To 1 Step -1
concatString = concatString & " RC[-" & index & "]"
If index > 1 Then concatString = concatString & " & "

MasterConcatFunction = concatString
Exit Function
End Function

 Posted by on
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Can you paste your excel file, with the attached macro here?
I am asking for the file, since it seems that you are using some forms also.
We cannot do the forms designing here..


 Posted by on
Confused Symptoms. After converting CSV to Excel, dates are formatted incorrectly, days and months are swapped, some dates are changed to text, and some text values are auto formatted as dates.
Cause. In your csv file, dates are written in the format different from the default date format set in your operating system, because of which Excel fails to interpret the dates correctly.
Solution. Depending on exactly what problem you are faced with, try out one of the following solutions.

Days and months are mixed up

When the date formats in the Windows Regional settings and csv file are different, there is no way for Excel to determine that mm/dd/yy dates it is looking for are stored in the dd/mm/yy format in that particular file. As a result, the day and month units are reversed: Jan-3 becomes Mar-1Jan-10 becomes Oct-1, and so on. Moreover, dates after Jan-12 are converted to text strings because there exist no 13th, 14th, etc. months.
For the dates to be imported correctly, run  Text Import Wizard, and pick the appropriated Date format in step 3:

Some values are converted to dates

Microsoft Excel is designed to make it easier to enter various kinds of values. Therefore, if Excel believes that a given value represents a date, it is auto formatted as a date. For example, the text string apr23 looks very much like April 23, and 11/3 resembles November 3, so both values are converted to dates.
To stop Excel from changing text values to dates, use the already familiar approach: convert CSV to Excel by importing it. In step 3 of the Text Import Wizard, select the problematic column and change its format to Text.

Dates are formatted incorrectly

When a csv file is opened in Excel, the dates are normally displayed in the default format. For example, in your original file, you may have 7-May-21 or 05/07/21, while in Excel it appears as 5/7/2021.
To display dates in the desired format, make use of the Format Cells feature:
  1. Select the column of dates.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  3. On the Number tab, choose Date under Category.
  4. Under Type, pick the desired formatting.
  5. Click OK.

Rachel Gomez
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