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Regression variables

Excel Help for Regression Variables in Excel Multiple Regression Analysis and Forecasting Template

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Regression Variables

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i am doing regression analysis which has the following independent variables

Total Time the department has worked for a month

the problem is i wanted to include number of employees also so as to reflect the sudden change in number of employees in a department but as it is evident the problem of multi collinearity creeps in! 
pls help :)

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The multi-colinearity simple means that the variable in question is descriptive of itself. This does not mean that it is irrelevant for predicting the dependent variable. You can choose to run with the analysis anyway for your purposes.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Regression allows researchers to predict or explain the variation in one variable based on another variable. Definitions: ❖ The variable that researchers are trying to explain or predict is called the response variable. It is also sometimes called the dependent variable because it depends on another variable.
Rachel Gomez
Regression allows researchers to predict or explain the variation in one variable based on another variable. Definitions: ❖ The variable that researchers are trying to explain or predict is called the response variable. It is also sometimes called the dependent variable because it depends on another variable.Regression allows researchers to predict or explain the variation in one variable based on another variable. Definitions: ❖ The variable that researchers are trying to explain or predict is called the response variable. It is also sometimes called the dependent variable because it depends on another variable.
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