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Business Data, Analysis and Niche Generation

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Business Data, Analysis And Niche Generation

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ConfusedHey guys,

Just a quick question seeing as you guys seem to be quite knowledgeable in this area.  I recently found a pretty useful Niche Generator and business data site at http://findabusiness.org. I was just wondering, the owners said they are going to be putting up a lot of demographic data and income data. How would you suggest I scrape into an excel file?

 Kind Regards, 
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The site simply uses Google and Yahoo APIs to return business information based on key words and location.

To scrape the results to Excel, you can use a web query.  Construct the URL and pass it to a web query.  For excample the URL structure for the key words "Microsoft Excel" in New York is http://findabusiness.org/search.php?business=microsoft+excel&location=new+york.

To load the web query with the key words and location from Excel cells as well as extracting a section of the page, record a macro when running the web query and modify accordingly along the same lines as the VBA in this post.

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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