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The Representation of decimal digits

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The Representation Of Decimal Digits

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SurprisedI have recently got the tool and I have some questions in order to understand the way it works.

When I tried to define cost per hour for some human resources, I discovered that the tool is using "." instead of "," as separator of decimal digits.

But when I took a look at the "Task" sheet, the field of "Total" cost (at Operating Costs) had a wrong calculated number.

For example using 8,125 euros/hour (125 are the decimals) and 1.320 hours the result in the field is 10.725.000 which is not so correct.

By changing in 8.125 the cost per hour I got the same result.

Is it possible for someone to explain why this is happened.

In my regional options (from the control panel of windows) the decimal symbol is ","

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If you are using regional settings on your PC that use commas as the decimal character, you will need to be consistent in using this format for all numeric data entry.

Commas can be used specify the decimal value within the Human Resources panel to define cost per hour.  This way the subsequent calculations will process correctly using the consistent format.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanks for your answer

I followed your advice but when I use comma (for example 8,125) in the definition of humans resource cost per hour, this is represented as 8.125 in the corresponding cell.

When I try to staff a task, by default the cost is tansferred without any separator. I use comma for the unit cost in the edit task form and the result is the following: The cost per hour remains as 8.125 but the calculation (hours X cost/hour) is represented correctly.

So I believe that is a matter of format that reflects to the appearence of numbers in the cells.

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I understand the problem with using 8,125 as the cost per hour for the participant.  In fact the cost per hour is limited to 2 decimal places as this normally represents cents within the currency of question. 

If you enter 8,13 this should work. 

We will look into extending the number of decimal places allowable in this field.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanks for your answer. By using only two decimals everything go well.

Let me know something else.

Is it possible to connect more than one persons from the human resource pool with the same task?

Let suppose that I have 5 team members for the development of a project and I want to use 2 or 3 of them for the work in the same task.

The form for the tasks definition allow to introduce only the responsible and the working parameters for him/her.

Does the tool do any calculations in order to share the working time needed to complete a task between the connected human resources.

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You are correct that only one participant can be assigned to a task.

A workaround to share tasks between multiple participants is to create instances of teh same task for each participant and then use productivity percentages to share the timing.

If 2 particpants were sharing a task equally, 2 tasks could be created with same details except that each participant would be assigned 50% productivity.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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