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Regression Analysis for memory retention data

Excel Help for Regression Analysis For Memory Retention Data in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Regression Analysis For Memory Retention Data

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ConfusedI'm super hopeless at maths and need some help. 

Find the average percentage memory retention (p) measured against passing time (t, in minutes).

I need to construct:

A scatter plot of p against log(t). The graph needs to indicate a linear straight line relation between average percentage memory retention (p) and passign time (t, in minutes)

Add a trend line to add a linear regression line of the form of y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept

Calculate the regression of p using given x values of t. for example

Data set below:

t minutes            Avg % mem retention (p)
1                        0.84
5                        0.71
15                      0.61
30                      0.56
60                      0.54
120                    0.47
240                    0.45
480                    0.38
720                    0.36
1440                  0.26
2880                  0.20
5760                  0.16
10080                0.08

Does this make sense to anyone??? Please help...thanx
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In this case, you can start by creating a simple XY scatter plot chart from the source data. By selecting the series in the chart you can right click and select Add Trend line > Linear.  Right click the Trend Line and choose Form Trend line > Options and choose to add the equation and R-squared on the chart.  This will give you the regression equation and the predictive quality (R-squared) for your analysis.

To transform or analyze the data before charting, you can use the LOG function and/or other statistical functions such as SLOPE (regression coefficient) under the Statistical functions in Excel.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanx for that...You rock!. I have created the scatter plot graph. However, i'm still stuck!

How do i find log(t) and rep-p??? It's probably very obvious but i can't seem to get the formula.

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Instead of adding the linear trend line to the scatter plot series, you can add a logarithmic trend line.  When displaying the equation and r-squared, you will get the Log(t) (where "x" replaces t) and the p-reg is represented by "y" in the equation as the dependent variable of the regression equation.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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ConfusedHi Excel Helper,

Thanx so much for your help. I need to pick your brain again.

For each of the data lines i need to find log(t) and reg-p....how do i do this???

t minutes            Avg % mem retention (p)        log(t)    reg-p
1                        0.84                                      ?           ?
5                        0.71                                      ?           ?
15                      0.61                                      ?           ?
30                      0.56                                      ?           ?
60                      0.54                                      ?           ?
120                    0.47                                      ?           ? etc
240                    0.45
480                    0.38
720                    0.36
1440                  0.26
2880                  0.20
5760                  0.16
10080                0.08
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The view plot the predicted log(t) and p, simply use the calculated regression equation with the original input values.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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