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Excel Selective viewing / editing

Excel Help for Excel Selective Viewing / Editing in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Excel Selective Viewing / Editing

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My requirement is I should press control + a (or other combination) and it should make certain columns to hide at same time (not doing manually hide)

Second requirement is column A should be editable by certain users
and column c by another set.

Is their any in built feature in short selective viewing and editing.

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There is no in built functionality in Excel to handle viewing and editing rights for individual users. However, this can be handled through VBA code on the Open event of the workbook. In this case, the user must enter login details and the protection is then dynamically set based on the use's credentials.You can find code for accomplishing this here.

To automatically hide and unhide columns or rows, the best method is to use grouping under Data > Outline > Group.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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