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Plot multiple values by series

Excel Help for Plot Multiple Values By Series in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Plot Multiple Values By Series

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I want to create a bar graph with six columns in which each column is a separate series. I want to split these columns into three groups ( say group A, B, C for example), with two columns side by side in each group and the three groups spaced apart from each other but on the same graph. It is important to separate each column into a different series because after I group the appropriate columns together, I want to add a standard deviation that is specific to each column. I am using Excel 2010.

Thank you!
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In this case, you can create a clustered column chart that will group the data into separate columns and space the groups.  You can have as many series in each group as you like.  To do this in Excel 2010, selected the data and choose Insert > Column > 2-D Column > Clustered Column.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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