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Defining Global Variables

Help for defining global variables in the customer invoicing template for Excel

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Global variables to be applied to each invoice order are defined in the 'Control' sheet. Some of these variables feed directly through to each invoice, while others are set as defaults but can be changed for each individual invoice.


The 'Company Details' section should be completed with details of the company which is issuing the invoice. This information flows directly through to each invoice created.


The 'Invoice Details' section sets default information for each invoice for which certain items can subsequently be changed directly in the invoice. This increases the efficiency of invoice creation by allowing invoices to be pre-filled with commonly used information. The Invoice Detail parameters are:


The 'Predefined Terms of Sale' section allows the update or adding of terms which can be selected as default terms or selected individually for each invoice created. The list of predefined terms can be managed by clicking on the 'Manage' button in the top right corner of this section. Selecting an existing term displays its contents in the text area of the form provided with the option to either 'Update' or 'Delete' the term. Entering new text directly in the text area allows the adding of a new predefined term.


The 'Predefined Notes' section allows the update or adding of notes which can be selected as the default note or selected individually for each invoice created. The list of predefined notes can be managed by clicking on the 'Manage' button in the top right corner of this section. Selecting an existing note displays its contents in the text area of the form provided with the option to either 'Update' or 'Delete' the note. Entering new text directly in the text area allows the adding of a new predefined note.


The 'Shipping Methods' section allows the setting of shipping methods with corresponding shipping costs which can be selected as the default shipping method or selected individually for each invoice created. 7 shipping methods and costs can be defined here; however each invoice may have a custom shipping cost applied to override this list.


The 'Control Panel' represents a menu to manage and quickly access parts of the invoicing system. Menu items in the Control Panel are:

Screenshots: Defining Global Variables (1) Defining Global Variables (2)