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Defining and Entering Project Tasks

Help for defining and entering project tasks in the project planning and management template for Excel

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Project Planning and Management Help Topics: Defining the Project Resources Defining and Entering Project Tasks Creating the Gantt Schedule Running and Analyzing the Project Status Report Participant Emailing and Workbook Generation

The 'Tasks' sheet enables the definition and management of all project tasks and required resources. New tasks can be added using the 'Add New Task' button in the top left hand corner, and existing tasks can be modified, updated or removed by selecting any cell in the task’s row and clicking the 'Edit Selected Task' button. Once tasks have been defined, the 'Auto-timing' function can be executed, which optimizes the scheduling of Human Resources according to availability.


Adding New Tasks

New project tasks can be added by clicking the 'Add New Task' button. This displays a form with information required for the new task in three sections. The first section is the Task Parameters and consists of:


The second section is the Timing & Responsibility and consists of:


The third and final section is the Resources required for the task which consists of:


Upon clicking the 'OK' button, a new row will be appended to the Task list with the details entered and, if necessary, the budget will be modified accordingly in the ‘Resources’ sheet.


Editing and Updating Existing Tasks

Existing project tasks can be edited by selecting any cell in the task's row and clicking the 'Edit Selected Task' button. This displays a form with information populated for the task in four sections. The first section is the Task Parameters and consists of:


The second section is the Timing & Responsibility and consists of:


The third section is the Resources required for the task and consists of:


The fourth and final section is for recording the task's Progress and consists of:


After selecting whether to Update or Delete the task, clicking 'OK' button, will make the necessary changed to the selected task row and update the budgeting information if necessary.



Running the Auto-Timing

Once tasks have been added, the Auto-timing function can be run to automatically to calculate the optimal start and end dates for each task by evaluating the available human resources and respective productivity factors. The Auto-timing process can be run at any time as the task list is modified during the project life cycle; however the Gantt Schedule and Project Status Report will have be rerun in order to capture the changes made to the project’s timing.


Essentially the Auto-Timing works by evaluating each task individually. The first tasks to be allocated time are those with specified start dates. This ensures that tasks identified with such resource constraints are allocated with time resources before those without constraints.


Once these tasks have been allocated time, tasks are allocated in order of Phase with dependent task start dates constrained to the end dates of their predecessors.


Tasks that have been completed with a specified completion date are not including the process.


As each task is analyzed, the participant's available productivity is examined, taking into account of productivity which has already been allocated to previously analyzed tasks.


The Auto-Timing can be run by clicking 'Run Auto-Timing' button. Auto-timing can also be cleared by clicking the 'Clear Auto-Timing' button; however previous auto-timing dates are cleared each time the process is run.

Screenshot: Defining and Entering Project Tasks