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Spread Trading System

Excel spread trading system for training and tutorials

Excel Spread Trading System

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The Spread Trading System for Excel is a step-by-step course on how to build and utilize an effective automated spread trading model using Microsoft Excel. The System captures the price difference between security pairs of any type - indexes, stocks, futures, options, LEAPs, etc.

Spread Trading System for Excel spread returns are typically non-correlated with other investment and trading strategies, making the model an excellent addition to an overall asset management strategy. The System uses three proven technical indicators - exponential moving averages, Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO), and Donchian Channels, to filter and capture situations where spread movement (and hence risk-adjusted profits) are likely to be greatest. Also presented are three real-world spread strategies, including Swiss Franc - Japanese Yen futures spreads, Nasdaq Composite - S&P 500 E-Mini spreads, and 10-Year vs. 5-Year U.S. Treasury Note spreads.

The Spread Trading System for Excel is optimized for use with daily or hourly data, but can be used on virtually any time interval. Data can be imported into the model with a DDE data link available from most market data providers. Instructions are shown on how to build a data 'hub' with a DDE link, or run the model with free .csv data files available from Yahoo! Finance or another source.

A complete PDF Guide is provided along with a step-by-step Online Course so you can choose how to learn in the most comfortable way. Also included is a complete back testing model - simply import historical data and see statistical and graphical results for your chosen spread strategy.

Key Features of the Spread Trading System for Excel include:
  • A complete PDF Guide showing you how to build and use the model.
  • A complete Online Course including everything in the PDF Guide PLUS VBA Code and FAQs sections.
  • A complete pre-built Back testing Model in MS Excel with graphs and trade statistics for your historical analysis.
  • 30 days of online access to download the materials and learn how to build and use your new Spread Trading Model.
  • Instantaneous access to the PDF Guide, Online Course, and Back testing Model with your own login and password provided at time of purchase.
  • Learn to integrate Excel, VBA, formulas, and data sources into a profitable trading tool.
  • Acquire unique knowledge applicable to any Excel modeling or analysis project.
  • Save money by eliminating recurring software and upgrade costs.
  • Calculate Buy/Sell signals on multiple spread pairs within seconds.

Spread Trading System for Excel Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Basic Technical Requirements
  • Using the Model
  • Economic Cycles and Sector Fund Investing
  • Sector Rotation Timing Diagram
  • How to Profit from Sector Fund Rotation Investing
  • Period 1: Market Bottom
  • Period 2: Market Recovery / New Bull Market
  • Period 3: Market Top
  • Period 4: Bear Market / Recession
  • Why the Classic Sector Rotation Model is Insufficient
  • How the Excel Sector Fund System is Superior: 4 Technical Tools
  • Tool 1: 48-Week Relative Strength %
  • Tool 2: Moving Average Crossovers
  • Tool 3: Moving Average % Change
  • Tool 4: Top 3 Funds
  • Building the Model
  • Directory and File Structure
  • Spreadsheet Structure
  • Calculations Sheet
  • Visual Basic Macro Code
  • Signals Sheet
  • Data Sheet
  • Obtaining Historical Weekly Fund Price Data
  • Running the Model on a Weekly Basis
  • When to Run the Model
  • Combining the Signals with Other Market Information
  • Money and Risk Management
  • Common Macro Errors
  • FAQs
  • Back testing the model

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(Updated on 2023-11-01)

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