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XML Export

Excel xml export for converting and integrating

Excel XML Export

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XML Export for Excel can convert multiple Excel files to clean XML formats with a choice of structuring the XML data by rows or columns within the spreadsheets.

XML Export for Excel provides a simple interface to convert files to XML quickly and efficiently. Key features of XML Export for Excel include:
  • Select multiple Excel documents to be exported to XML by browsing to XLS or XLSX files and optionally specifying the search sub folders.
  • Specify the XML structure by choosing what data represents the header row (if applicable), customizing the opening and closing XML tags, and more.
  • Organize the exported XML data format: depending on how the data is structured in Excel, it can be exported by column as opposed to row.
  • The export process is very fast and produces clean and valid XML.

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(Updated on 2024-06-01)

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