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Index Numbering and Logging

Excel index numbering and logging for navigation and auditing

Excel Index Numbering and Logging

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Index Auto Numbering and Logging for Excel is a workbook that contains all the mechanics required for integrating with your worksheets and templates to give you the facility to number consecutive documents automatically within a controlled environment. In addition you can automatically log the documents you create in a summary workbook.

Excel Index Auto Numbering and Logging will operate on a network or stand-alone basis, and for either a single user or multiple users. The workbook operates in Microsoft Excel 97 software or later.

The workbook contains the full auto numbering facility as well as the logging facility. It is set up as an Invoice template for immediate use with only minor customization, or it can be completely customized to run as a Purchase Order template or any other document you wish. Import your own worksheets and quickly add the mechanics to make it work for you the way you want.

There is one sheet called Output Data which holds the data that will be logged. Here you set up row 1 with the titles, and row 2 must be formulae that link to the other sheet(s) and collect the data you wish to log.

You then specify where you want it logged, whether you want to password protect the log file, and then execute.

Important Note: You will not be able to use any other macros in a workbook using Index Auto Numbering and Logging for Excel. If you need to combine your macros a customized workbook can be prepared for a fee.

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(Updated on 2024-06-01)

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