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Basic Invoice

Excel basic invoice for sales and marketing

Excel Basic Invoice

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This Basic Invoice template for Microsoft Excel is designed for those who need a quick and easy invoicing solution. The primary feature of Basic Invoice for Excel is a well-designed, automatically-calculated invoice that takes just minutes to produce.

The Basic Invoice for Excel can accommodate up to 25 products that only need to be entered once and may be referenced in all future invoices. Of course, you may change your product mix at any time and the changes will flow through to future invoices.

The entire invoicing process takes just a few minutes. Simply enter the name and address of the 'Bill To' company in the clearly designated cells, select the products you wish to bill for (no need to enter product names or descriptions after initial setup) and the quantity ordered, and your invoice is automatically calculated and presented in an attractive, well-designed format.

The Basic Invoice for Excel input sheet allows the entering of invoice information including:
  • Your company details (entered once): Name; Address 1; Address 2; City; State; Zip; Tel Number.
  • 'Bill To' company details (entered when required for each invoice): Name; Address 1; Address 2; City; State; Zip; Tel Number.
  • Invoice Number.
  • Your Sales Tax Rate (if applicable for the order).
  • Shipping and Handling Costs (if applicable for the order).
  • Payment terms and instructions.
  • Product Details (up to 25): Name; Description; Price; Quantity Ordered (entered for each invoice).

A specially designed button on the Basic Invoice for Excel spreadsheet allows for one click printing of your invoice.

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(Updated on 2024-07-01)

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