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File Navigator

Excel file navigator for navigation and auditing

Excel File Navigator

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File Navigator for Excel (Explorer for Excel) is a powerful solution for organizing, navigating and managing Excel workbooks. The File Navigator for Excel add-in visually organizes all open Excel workbooks in a tree view explorer to easily navigate between spreadsheets, drag sheets throughout workbooks, rename, delete, resort and insert multiple worksheets with a click.

Key features of File Navigator for Excel include:
  • Quickly navigate through Excel worksheets and workbooks.
  • Insert, copy, rename, delete and sort worksheets with options.
  • Drag worksheets through workbooks for efficient organization.
  • View all workbook names in a tree view and rename or delete them in one click.
  • Manage workbooks comments quickly and easily.
  • Organize workbook links, navigate with them find their sources and update them.
  • Manage hyperlinks found in workbooks.
  • View all errors and conditional formatting in all open worksheets.
  • Manage custom lists in Excel by creating new lists or editing and deleting existing lists.

File Navigator for Excel is also available at a discounted price in the Excel Add-ins Collection Download.

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(Updated on 2024-10-01)

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