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3D Bubble Charts

Excel 3d bubble charts for forecasting and prediction

Excel 3D Bubble Charts

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3D Bubble Charts screenshot
Excel 3D Bubble Charts (5dchart) is a multidimensional data visualization add-in for Excel 2010 or later to create professional bubble charts with up to 5 dimensions of underlying data. The 3 dimensions of X, Y and Z axes are supplemented by bubble size and color to allow five dimensions to be viewed within a single chart. Flexibility and customization options allow to enhance visualizations with styles and projection trends.

Key features of the Excel 3D Bubble Charts include:
  • Simple and fast visualization of complex multidimensional data.
  • Modify individual bubble and axes styles for customization and report branding.
  • Apply bubble projection analysis with predicted trend lines.
  • 3D bubble charts can be applied to a wide range of disciplines including portfolio analysis, scientific results and strategic planning.
  • Simple to use and fast chart rendering directing within Excel.
  • High resolution chart image export for reporting and external applications.

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(Updated on 2024-12-01)

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