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Auto-Timing not working properly

Excel Help for Auto-timing Not Working Properly in Excel Project Management Template

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Auto-timing Not Working Properly

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Confused I am running into an error with the auto-timing function.  After building in multiple tasks, the timing suddenly reverts back to the beginning date of the project.  I cannot find anything in the task parameters that would be causing this to happen.  How can i troubleshoot?
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Since the phases are limited to 10, we need to create the phase definitions so that tasks can be logically group for the timing. Timing sequence of tasks can be further enforced by applying dependent tasks, and specifying entered start dates which take precedent. After that the participant time resource availability is used. Finally, if all these aspects are equal then the order of the tasks entered is used as time allocated from top to bottom. 
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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that helps- thanks!  Do you know if it is possible to add additional phases to a project?
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The auto-timing logic can be problematic depending how tasks are defined. The most important aspect to understand is the order in which time is allocated. The first criteria analyzed is the order of defined project phases. After that, tasks dependencies and participant availability are analyzed.

For more detailed information see the project management template User Guides for task management.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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