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Excel Sum and Date help w/multiple variables

Excel Help for Excel Sum And Date Help W/multiple Variables in Developing Financial Accounting Systems

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Excel Sum And Date Help W/multiple Variables

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ConfusedI am trying to create a statistical spreadsheet for my work that analysis information from 10 different pipelines and updates the statistics as the pipeline updates.

So far I have completed a few of the easy parts through Pivot tables that update when i open the excel sheet. I am fairly new to excel so i have been trying to figure this out by myself and am not sure what to do here.

I am trying to find the SUM of $ but in three different terms. Need rows 8-1000 for each variable.

Column A has a drop down box to choose from: ={Inbound, Outbound}
Column B has a drop down box to choose from: ={Pipeline, Converted, Not Converted}
Column C is a number that is inserted: = $ USD

I need to calculate:
                   Inbound           Outbound
Converted      $USD                  $USD
Not Conv.       $USD                  $USD
Pipeline          $USD                  $USD

Second Question: i have is a matter of converting dates and subtracting days.  My main problem is that whomever made the original pipeline excel sheet all of the employees are working off of, formatted it in a way that is hard to collect certain data.

For this part i am trying to find Time until conversion and time until failed conversion of the clients for both inbound and outbound. The problem comes from the dates being in 4 boxes instead of 2.

Column D is the Month of clients first contact from a drop down box: ={Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr... Dec}
Column E is the Date of clients first contact from a drop down box: ={1,2,3,4...30,31}
Column F is the Month of Conversion from a drop down box: ={Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr... Dec}
Column G is the Date of Conversion/Failed from a drop down box: ={1,2,3,4...30,31}

I need to calculate:
                                                   Inbound                    Outbound

Avg Days until Conversion               #Days                        #Days

Avg Days until Failed Conv.             #Days                        #Days


Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

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I had a similar challenge with tracking multiple pipelines and summing data. I initially used SUMIFS, but SkySuite AI really helped me by providing quick insights into my data and automating updates for things like conversion rates. Might be worth looking into if you want to simplify the process.
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