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Business Planning

Excel Business Planning templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions

Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for creating and optimizing business plans and proposals. These Excel solutions are designed to facilitate the business planning process by providing methods for projecting financial data and can be used to quickly produce reports required for business case proposals. Excel templates and solutions provide the basis to accelerate and refine business planning outputs with prebuilt pro forma accounting statements and reports as well as forecasting methods for financial line items.

Recommended Solution
The Excel digital startup business plan provides a tailored framework to create a detailed financial model for digital startups for structures such as app development, online services and subscription based revenue models.
Views: 6,850Rating:
4.5 from 2 votes
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Excel Business Planning Templates are an entire tool set necessary to create a winning business plan. This unique product includes Excel spreadsheets with formulas and other Microsoft Office templates.
Views: 36,890Rating:
3 from 4 votes
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The Business Budget Planning Tool for Excel provides an effective means to generate a budget for up to five years. Full flexibility allows adding Revenue, Variable Cost and Fixed Cost categories.
Views: 29,570Rating:
3.6 from 5 votes
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Excel Business Plan Projections are powerful, easy-to-use template packages for preparing comprehensive 5 year financial projections for business plans and budgets, strategic and corporate planning, business restructuring, financial appraisals and performance monitoring.
Views: 26,745Rating:
2.2 from 4 votes
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The Forecast and Budget Builder is a streamlined tool for developing a 3 year business forecast and a 12 month budget. It requires minimal inputs and generates optimistic to pessimistic forecasts for a business.
Views: 16,042Rating:
2.7 from 3 votes
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The Film Business Plan template for Excel provides a basis for making financial projections for independent films for purposes of film financing and planning.
Views: 11,530Rating:
3.5 from 4 votes
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Excel Business Plan Financials combines standard financial statements with actual data along with projections and analysis for business plan creation and presentation.
Views: 8,656Rating:
3.4 from 5 votes
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