The Data Science Calculations application (DAVS) is independent of Excel but allows to import and export Excel data. Calculations are focuses on data science and mining through a library of statistical functions that also allow to visualize relationships and outputs. The solutions supports a large number of input variables and provides high quality visualizations in up to 4 dimensions.
Key features of the Excel data science calculations include:
- Easily import and export Excel and flat file data.
- Data can be editing within the application in a similar way to Excel.
- Implement multivariate statistical analysis over all of subsets of imported data.
- Probability analysis includes density functions, cumulative distribution, survival, hazard, quantile values, means and variances.
- A wide range of options for frequency analysis, t-tests, z-tests, and ANOVA variance.
- Non-parametric tests include one/two sample Chi-square, one/two sample K-S, sign, Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann Whitney U tests.
- Multivariate and univariate regression analysis perform linear and nonlinear curve fitting, trend surface analysis and stepwise regression.
- Correlation can be analyzed under partial, bivariate and canonical methods.
- Stepwise, hierarchical and dynamic cluster analysis identifies relationships for predictive analytics.
- Additional functionality includes stepwise discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, correspondence analysis, statistical plots and advanced data visualization.
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